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Cultural Resources

Cultural or Historical Resources are defined as physical remains of any prehistoric or historic district, site, building, structure, or object significant in world, national or local history, architecture, archeology, engineering or culture. The term includes any property listed on the World Heritage List or the host nation’s equivalent of the National Register of Historic Places.

A cultural resources inventory performed in 1998 identified one historical monument within the USAG Schweinfurt that is listed in the Bavarian register. It is a stone cross found in training area “M” where the former “Brönnhof” farm was located.

According to legend, two brothers were on their way to Schweinfurt to have their plowshares sharpened. Supposedly, they got into an argument at this site and during the ensuing fight they killed each other with their plowshares.

The cross was erected in remembrance of this mishap.

Medieval Atonement Cross

Medieval Atonement Cross at Training Area Pfändhausen

Eleven reliefs are present above the doors of various military buildings that are contemporary witness. They represent historic military figures with helmets or show battle scenes. The individual battles scenes are contemporary representations of the newly motorized army. The stone heads are also indicative of solidarity with military tradition. Moreover, an original stone portal with coats of arms bearing a “Reichsadler” (eagle), with its swastika removed is located at the administration building.

All depictions date back to the time when the buildings were established. They are not registered as individual memorials, but have the character of historic monuments.

Stone Head

Stone Head

Battle Scene

Battle Scene