  • 3 videos
  • 52:54 duration
  • 1 view

Agents of Change

by NCPCdotGov

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Google Hangout
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  1. 1
    Thumbnail 17:19

    Agents of Change - Part 1

    by NCPCdotGov 113 views

  2. 2
    Thumbnail 17:12

    Agents of Change - Part 2

    by NCPCdotGov 32 views

  3. 3
    Thumbnail 18:23

    Agents of Change - Part 3

    by NCPCdotGov 51 views

Audio recording from panel discussion on locating federal facilities in the national capital region held on April 21. Organized by the the National Capital Planning Commission and ULI Washington.

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Welcome to the National Capital Planning Commission's YouTube channel.


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