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Records Per Page:
Number of Records Returned: 47
Africa > Somalia > Mogadishu
Posted between septuagenarian passengers in deck chairs, lookouts stand watch over the Gulf of Aden, scanning the horizon for pirates.
Africa > South Sudan > Juba
Africa > Sudan > Khartoum
South Sudan on Tuesday accused Sudan of building up forces along their border, in a sign that efforts to set up a buffer zone between the neighbours and resume the oil exports…
Daily Nation
Africa > Kenya > Nairobi
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has admitted prosecuting the post election violence cases facing four Kenyans is "difficult".
Africa > Kenya > Nairobi
Raila Odinga, the frontrunner in Kenya's presidential election, taunted his rival Uhuru Kenyatta in a debate on Monday, asking how he would be able to rule from the Hague, where…
Africa > Zambia > Lusaka
Zambian opposition leaders called on Tuesday for a suspension of their country from the Commonwealth, accusing President Michael Sata of stifling democracy.