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Women in the World Today

Global Women’s Issues and the Beijing Platform for Action

10 September 2012

Table of Contents

Preface: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
Overview: Solutions to Global Challenges Require Women’s Participation
Interview with Melanne Verveer

Chapter 1 – Women and Poverty
Overview by Geeta Rao Gupta
Profile: Roshaneh Zafar: Social Entrepreneur Empowers Women, by Shafqat Munir
Project: Fighting Poverty One Coffee Bean at a Time, by Ritu Sharma

Chapter 2 – Education and Training of Women
Overview by Lori Ashford
Profile: Rita Conceição: Bahia Street, by Margaret Willson
Project: Educating Women About Technology, by Renee Ho

Chapter 3 – Women and Health
Overview by Lori Ashford
Profile: Salwa Al Najjab: Palestinian Health Care Activist, by Naela Khalil
Project: mothers2mothers: Help for HIV-Positive Women, by Maya Kulycky

Chapter 4 – Violence Against Women
Overview by Robin Haarr
Profile: Chouchou Namegabe: A Fierce Voice Against Sexual Violence, by Solange Lusiku
Project: Gender Equality and Combating Domestic Violence, by Qin Liwen

Chapter 5 – Women and Armed Conflict
Overview by Dyan Mazurana
Profile: Zainab Salbi: Helping Women Recover from War, by Joanna Krotz
Project: Female Peacekeepers: Smashing Stereotypes, by Bonnie Allen

Chapter 6 – Women and the Economy
Overview by Susanne Jalbert
Profile: Lubna Olayan: Saudi Businesswoman Strengthens Communities, by Scott Bortot
Project: Women’s Work: Paying It Forward, by Joanna Krotz

Chapter 7 – Women in Power and Decisionmaking
Overview by Lori Ashford
Profile: Michelle Bachelet: Physician, Military Strategist, Head of State, by Karen Calabria
Project: Council of Women World Leaders, by Laura Liswood

Chapter 8 – Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women
Overview by Mona Lena Krook
Profile: Kateryna Levchenko: Working Within the System, by Yevhen Hlibovytsky and Oksana Forostyna
Project: Women’s Caucus Boosts Uruguayan Democracy, by Eric Green

Chapter 9 – Human Rights of Women
Overview by Robin Haarr, Ph.D.
Profile: Sina Vann: Ex-Child Slave Helps Others Escape the Darkness, by Eric Green
Project: Making Cities Safe for Women, by Maria Jain and Suhgenie Kim

Chapter 10 – Women and the Media
Overview by Carolyn Byerly
Profile: Ann S. Moore: Leveraging the Value of Women, by Joanna Krotz
Project: Women’s Edition, by Deborah Mesce

Chapter 11 – Women and the Environment
Overview by Cate Owren
Profile: Aleksandra Koroleva: A Passion for Environmental Protection, by Alexey Milovanov
Project: Barefoot Solar Engineers, by Anuradha Saxena

Chapter 12 – The Girl Child
Overview by Robin Haarr
Profile: Bogaletch Gebre: Trading New Traditions for Old, by Julia Rosenbaum
Project: Changing Hearts and Minds: Averting Child Marriage in Yemen, by Dalia Al-Eryani and Laurel Lundstrom

Additional Resources

(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/iipdigital-en/index.html)

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