United States Diplomacy Center

Thomas Jefferson Circle

The chance to build a major museum rarely comes to an institution. The chance to build a one-of-a-kind museum coupled with an exceptional educational center—and one that has a global impact—is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The Campaign’s goal will be reached when individuals, corporations, and foundations throughout the United States make a financial commitment commensurate with the importance of this major endeavor.

The Thomas Jefferson Circle has been established to encourage and recognize gift commitments of $1 million and above to the U.S. Department of State’s U.S. Diplomacy Center. A wide variety of commemorative gift opportunities is available to Circle members, offering donor identification with specific architectural features and facilities at the new Center.

Building elements and endowment support may be dedicated in the names of individual donors or organizations—or be used to provide a lasting memorial for others. Those dedicating a specific named space will be recognized prominently at the site.

This Center will constitute a permanent record of U.S. Diplomacy and in my opinion it is way past time that something like this was done.

— James A. Baker, III Former Secretary of State

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