United States Diplomacy Center

Related Sites and Other Links

USDC on Dipnote - the official blog of the Department of State:

Marking 234 Years of Treaty Making, May 4

New Website Introduces Audiences to Diplomacy, October 12

Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of U.S. Women's Right to Vote, August 26
U.S. High School Artists Create Lifelong Gifts for Children at Orphanages Abroad, August 5
The Unwavering Spirit of Iraqi Women, April 1
Courageous Zimbabwean Women Stand Up for Human Rights, March 29
The Colors of Warka Debuts in Washington, March 19
Through Their Paintings, Everyone Will Know Their Stories, March 17

Voices of U.S. Diplomacy and the Berlin Wall, November 6
The Journey After "One Giant Leap for Mankind", July 20
United We Serve: Answering The Call, June 25
Online Exhibit Explores Legacy of Marshall Plan, June 5
Cricketers' Gift Evokes Memories of Cold War Diplomacy, April 6

Irena Baruch Wiley: An Artist at Large in the Diplomatic World, December 20
The Peace Pact That Wasn't, August 28

Other Related Sites:

American Academy of Diplomacy www.academyofdiplomacy.org

American Foreign Service Association www.afsa.org

Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide www.aafsw.org

Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training www.adst.org

Council on Foreign Relations www.cfr.org

Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired http://dacorbacon.org/

Foreign Affairs Council, http://facouncil.org/

Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies www.fapeglobal.org

The George C. Marshall Foundation www.marshallfoundation.org

National Security Language Initiative for Youth www.nsliforyouth.org

Public Diplomacy Council www.publicdiplomacycouncil.org

US Center for Citizen Diplomacy www.uscenterforcitizendiplomacy.org

World Affairs Councils of America www.worldaffairscouncils.org

Disclaimer: the above links are provided as a public service. The US Diplomacy Center takes no responsibility for the content of any linked website.

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