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Directorate of Public Works (DPW)  »  

Engineering, Plans, & Services Division
Ledward Barracks (DPW Compound), Bldg. 251, 2nd Floor
Franz-Schubert-Strasse 3
97421 Schweinfurt
Open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Closed on German and American holidays

DSN 354-6452 or CIV 09721-96-6452

The Engineering, Plans & Services Division of the DPW consists of three branches - the Engineer Services Branch, the Contract Management Branch and the Installations Branch.

As the name of the division implies, we provide the engineering expertise for the design and execution of a large number of the minor construction, maintenance and repair projects that are performed in the Schweinfurt community.

The Engineer Services Branch either prepares the designs or provides scopes of work and deficiency lists for projects where the designs are prepared by other activities. The Contract Management Branch administers the contracts and monitors the contractor's work.

The Installations Branch maintains and updates all as-built plans and drawings of the buildings and facilities in the USAG Schweinfurt area of responsibility. It is also responsible for building and facility utilization management, documentary control of community real property and the orderly Master Planning development of installations.