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1st Squadron, 91st Cavalry 630th MP Company 172nd Support Battalion 18th Engineer Brigade 12th Chemical Company 9th Engineer Battalion 1st Battalion, 77th Field Artillery 15th Engineer Battalion 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion 7th Theatre Tactical Signal Brigade

Computer User Account

Requirements for Obtaining an Unclassified US Army In Europe LandWarNet (LWN-U)

Each user must have:

  1. Common Access Card (CAC)
    To log on to the network, users are required to have a CAC. If you do not have a CAC, please see the CAC guidelines from the USAG Schweinfurt ID Cards/DEERS office.  

  2. Army Knowledge Online (AKO) email address
    Go to to register if you do not have an AKO address.

  3. Background Check
    In accordance with Army Regulation 25–2, Information Management Information Assurance, all users must have a favorable review. USAG Schweinfurt has standardized the review process through the use of DD Form 2875. Download the fillable version of DD Form 2875 here.

  4. Create an account with Army Training & Certification Tracking System (ATCTS)
    Go to ATCTS at and create an account.

  5. U.S. Army Information Assurance Virtual Training
    Log into to complete the following Trainings:

  6. WNSF - Portable Electronic Devices and Removable Storage Media

    WNSF - Phishing Awareness Course

    WNSF - Safe Home Computing Course

    WNSF - Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Course

    Army G3 Computer Security Training

  7. Go to to complete the Information Assurance Awareness Training (IAAT).

    From the IA user portal complete Step 1 and Step 2.  Make sure you digitally sign the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) in Step 2.  This will automatically update your ATCTS account.  You will get a certificate for each Step.   The IAAT and AUP are annual requirements and must be current in order to have a computer user account.

  8. Acceptable Use Policy (User Agreement) fillable .pdf form

    German translation – Acceptable Use Policy for translation only

    DOD IA Awareness Test - German translation – German Local National employees may review the translation of the DOD IA Awareness test before taking the test in English.


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