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Political & Economic Affairs

I. Mission

The Political/Economic Section develops strategies for and implementing key Mission objectives, including advancing democracy and respect for human rights; promoting counter-terrorism cooperation; and expanding economic prosperity though increased bilateral trade and investment. Through its outreach to the Tunisian people and government, the Section also seeks to build stronger ties between our two countries.

II. Activities

The Political/Economic section provides support and advice to the United States Ambassador to Tunisia on all political, economic and commercial matters between the United States and Tunisia. Headed by Political/Economic Counselor Ian McCary, the Section includes staff who specialize in political, economic, commercial, and labor affairs. The Section’s officers represent the official views of the U.S. government to the Government of Tunisia and the people of Tunisia. Officers also author reports for the U.S. Government about pertinent developments on the ground in Tunisia.  Many of these reports are required by Congress and are available for viewing on the Embassy’s website.

III. Local Partners

The Political/Economic Section works with a variety of local partners, including representatives of the Government of Tunisia, political parties, non-governmental organizations active in the political, economic, social, and business fields, academics, and key influencers.  Our principal partner on commercial issues is the Tunisian-American Chamber of Commerce.

IV. Activities

  • Outreach Events and Programs

V. Resources

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