Publications SMA12-4682
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An Introduction to Extended-Release Injectable Naltrexone for the Treatment of People with Opioid Dependence

An Introduction to Extended-Release Injectable Naltrexone for the Treatment of People with Opioid Dependence

SAMHSA Advisory, Winter 2012

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Gives an overview of extended-release injectable naltrexone (Vivitrol), a treatment for people with opioid dependence. Discusses how it differs from other medication-assisted treatments, safety concerns, and patients most likely to benefit from this treatment.

Pub id: SMA12-4682
Publication Date: 2/2012
Popularity: 70
Format: Advisory
Audience: Professional Care Providers
Series: SAMHSA Advisory

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Customer Comments

Comment by:

02/27/2012 9:45 AM

Anonymous customer said:

Great resource!

Comment by:

03/05/2012 6:42 PM

Anonymous customer said:

good inormation

Comment by:

03/19/2012 2:48 PM

Anonymous customer said:

This Advisory is helpful.

Comment by:

07/16/2012 4:09 PM

A professional from a Behavioral Health Treatment Facility said:

Thank you for the information which I am sure will help us with our attempt to implement the usage of Vivitrol in our programs