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Lincoln Corners in Pakistan
Lincoln Corners in Pakistan Logo

Lincoln Corners in Pakistan Logo

Lincoln Corners are partnerships between the Public Affairs sections of the U.S. Embassy and host institutions. They provide access to current and reliable information about the United States via book collections, current magazines, the Internet, multimedia resources, and local programming to the general public. The multimedia resources, book, and periodical collections are open and accessible to the public. Associated reading or meeting rooms are available to host program events and activities (i.e., films, lectures, workshops, meetings, and exhibits). 

Lincoln Corners offer a "window on America" and its people, history, society, geography, government, and popular culture. These Corners are a place to read about America and to exchange views and opinions with Americans living in or visiting Pakistan. 

Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln Corners are named after Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America. He was an exceptional leader and guided the country through the American Civil War. He was also a great lover of books and reading, and once said: "A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others. It is the key, or one of the keys, to already solved problems. And not only so: it gives a relish and facility for successfully pursuing the yet unsolved ones." It is this spirit of sharing the experience of solving past problems and encouraging the solving of new ones that the Lincoln Corners embody.  

Lincoln Corner Coordinators

The Lincoln Corners are staffed by Lincoln Corner Coordinators, bilingual Pakistani librarians who are available during regular library hours to assist visitors with specific interests about the United States. Please contact the Lincoln Corner Coordinators about the visiting hours, access to resources, reference queries, and programs at the Lincoln Corners.

Resources and Services of Lincoln Corners

Lincoln Corners feature resources about the United States and offer a public information service. 

Reference Collections and Services: Current and reliable information on American law, government, society, and institutions. Print collection includes latest books, atlases, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.  

Audio Visual Collection: A wide collection of videos, CD-ROMs, and DVDs are accessible in the Lincoln Corner.

Online Resources and Research: Guidance from professional coordinators for expeditious and efficient information retrieval and online research. 

Magazines: Popular and scholarly magazines and journals from the United States on current events, popular culture, sports, business, and science. 

Books for Youth: English language reading materials for young adults. 

Study in the U.S.: Resources on tests, admissions and financial aid for study at a U.S. college or university. 

Lectures and Discussions: Opportunities for exchanging views with American experts and citizens on topics such as business, technology, education, government, and life in the United States. 

Internet search workshops, Digital Video Conferences (DVCs), seminars, video shows, and lectures on a variety of topics. 

Exhibitions: Regular exhibits on American life and culture are displayed at the Corners.