United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Healthcare - VISN 4
VISN 4 logo

Altoona  |  Butler  |  Clarksburg
Coatesville  |  Erie  |  Lebanon
Philadelphia  |  Pittsburgh

Wilkes-Barre  |  Wilmington

Around VISN 4
Mr. Moreland regularly visits facilities across VISN 4.
See where he’s been lately.

VISN 4 Calendar

Find out what events VISN 4 has planned for your area.

National Center for PTSD AboutFace homepage 

A group of health care workers reviewing a x-ray film.
Quality of Care PSAs
View a series of public service announcements reminding newly-returning combat veterans to enroll with the VA in order to receive health care benefits. These PSAs emphasize the quality of care VISN 4 provides in comparison to other highly-regarded U.S. health care systems.

Around VISN 4

Multicolor paint brush strokes on a canvas. WILKES-BARRE

National Veterans Creative ARTS Festival
Wilkes-Barre's 2013 Local Creative Arts Competition will be held on Thursday, March 7, 2013. All talented Veterans receiving care at VA medical facilities are encouraged to participate. Applications and visual art entries are due Friday, February 22, 2013.

Visitors to the special exhibit view the photographs on display.PHILADELPHIA

PhotoVoice Gallery Exhibit Open
A special exhibit of over 900 photographs and personal stories from 40 OIF/OEF Veterans detailing their post-deployment experiences is on display at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center.

Army Veteran Bonnie Lee Mikula, My HealtheVet CoordinatorERIE

New My HealtheVet Coordinator
Erie VA Medical Center is pleased to introduce Bonnie Lee Mikula as the new, full-time My HealtheVet Coordinator. As an Army Veteran herself, Bonnie is very excited to help fellow Veterans navigate the program.

Terry Gerigk Wolf, VAPHS director and chief executive officer, and Ken Fisher, Fisher House Foundation chairman and chief executive officer, officially open Pittsburgh's new Fisher House.PITTSBURGH

Foundation Entrusts Fisher House to VAPHS
VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System and the Fisher House Foundation dedicated the new Pittsburgh Fisher House in December.

Recent Publications

Cover image of the lastet issue of Vision for Excellence
Vision for Excellence
Issue 15 | Fall 2012

Cover of 2011 VA Healthcare-VISN 4 annual report
2011 Annual Report

World-Class Care
This series of public service announcements spotlights the excellent quality of care throughout VISN 4.