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A Message From The Ambassador
U.S. Ambassador David H. Thorne

U.S. Ambassador David H. Thorne

Our team is fully committed to promoting opportunities in Italy for U.S. business. In support of U.S.-Italian trade, the Embassy has organized and supported trade missions; recruited U.S. companies for international trade events in Italy; advised and made representations on behalf of U.S. firms; and ensured the presence of Italian importers at major trade shows in the United States. 

We are proud of the export successes generated by these efforts and look forward to assisting you in your endeavors.

In addition to the extensive resource materials listed on the Embassy website, you will also find contact information for the U.S. Commercial Service, the Office of Defense Cooperation, the Foreign Agricultural Service and the Embassy's Economic Section.

Best wishes for success and buona fortuna!

David H. Thorne
U.S. Ambassador to Italy