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Amb. Patterson Remarks at Reception for Alexandria Community Leaders

Amb. Patterson Remarks at Reception for Alexandria Community Leaders

September 12, 2011
U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne W. Patterson
Reception for Alexandria Community Leaders
American Center Alexandria
Alexandria, Egypt
September 12, 2011 


Good evening everyone.  It is a great pleasure for my husband David and me to be in Alexandria for our first visit and to meet you all.  I would like to acknowledge the presence of Governor Ossama Al Fouly – I had the pleasure of calling on him at his office this morning.  I also want to extend our appreciation to our many valued friends and partners here in Alexandria for joining us this evening.

Just four weeks ago, I formally presented my credentials to Field Marshal Tantawi along with a letter from President Obama to the Field Marshall.


In his letter, the President reiterated America’s full support for Egypt’s democratic transition.


We see Egypt, historically viewed as a leader in the Arab world, and as a role model for many other countries and people in the region seeking to build better governments, stronger economies, and more prosperous lives by developing open, free, and democratic societies. 


Alexandria is a city with a rich history, whose contemporary significance is also widely acknowledged Alexandrians have played a great role, and will continue to contribute significantly in Egypt’s quest to chart our a new, more prosperous future.

Cairo’s Tahrir Square may have grabbed the world headlines, but we also know that the same demands for freedom and democracy were heard here in Mansheya Square.   People in the United States, and everywhere, were inspired by Egyptians demands and are proud to be your partners in this great effort.


We Americans have learned from our own history that building democracy is not an easy task—it is not accomplished in months or even years.  Although the United States is the world’s oldest democracy, we have had many difficult periods.  


One of the hardest lessons we have learned is that the work of building our nation is never done. 


Even today, we continue to work to improve our government, strengthen our markets and build a better society.  We have learned that civilian government, the rule of law, and attention to human rights, including full participation by women and minorities, is essential to the success of our nation.   

As your friends, America will continue to be by your side as you take on these tasks yourselves through the democratic transition.


The broad expectation of Egyptians is that democracy will bring them greater economic prosperity.  This will be an enormous challenge for the transitional government and for the newly-elected government that will emerge. 


Egypt’s private sector needs to innovate and to grow so that it can generate economic growth and stability that will benefit all Egyptians.  The success of this undertaking will depend upon Egypt’s ability to expand its economy and provide over 750,000 jobs a year to absorb young people coming into the labor force.


Building Egypt’s economy will be hard work, too.  But just as we are committed to helping support your democratic transition, Americans are committed to help reduce Egypt’s debt, encourage trade and investment in the Egyptian market ,and help with technical advice and solutions for Egypt’s critical health, education and infrastructure.   


We wish especially to reach out to you all here in this city of Alexandria where the United States has been a friend and partner for many years.  Here in your community, the U.S. has funded a variety of projects, investing more than $425 million to improve the wastewater sewage system in Alexandria, $94 million in improvements to your electric power generating and distribution network, and $20 million in improvements to the telephone service in the area.

We intend to continue working in partnership with Alexandrians and your new government in building a strong, vibrant, and economically stable Egypt in the coming years.  And I personally look forward to working with each of you in the years and months ahead to make these aspirations a reality.  Thank you!  Shukran!