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Embassy Sections


Welcome to the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe Tajikistan.  At the head of the diplomatic mission in Tajikistan the Chief of Mission, with the title of Ambassador Susan M. Elliott and the Deputy Chief of Mission, Sarah Penhune. These officers make up the “Front Office” and are responsible for all components of the U.S. Mission within the country.  Along with the Ambassador and DCM, there are numerous sections that carry out the work of the U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan. 

The Consular Section is responsible for protecting and assisting Americans living in Tajikistan, and managing visa services.

The Public Affairs Section is the voice of the U.S. Embassy and provides press and information services to journalists and others living in Tajikistan, as well as sponsoring exchange programs, organizing cultural events, and managing small grants programs.

The Political/Economic Section analyzes and reports on political developments and their potential impact on U.S. interests, as well as macro economic trends and trade policies and their implications for U.S. policies and programs.

The USAID Mission in Tajikistan provides development assistance.

The Department of State’s Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) plays a major role in developing policies and programs to combat international narcotics and crime. 

The EXBS Representative provides technical assistance and advice to Customs and Border Protection Services in Tajikistan.

The Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) manages security assistance activities of the U.S. Department of Defense and the Defense Security and Assistance Agency.

The Office of the Defense Attache (DATT) is responsible for bilateral military-to-military relations.

The mission of the Regional Security Office is to provide a safe and secure environment for Embassy personnel to conduct their official duties.