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Mali Political & Security Situation

Mali Political & Security Situation

  • Statement on the Forced Resignation of Interim Prime Minister Diarra

    The United States condemns the arbitrary arrest and forced resignation of Mali’s Interim Prime Minister, Cheikh Modibo Diarra, by members of the military junta and reiterates the demand by the international community for an end to the junta’s interference in Mali’s political affairs.  

  • Addressing Developments in Mali: Restoring Democracy and Reclaiming the North

    December 5, 2012- Testimony: Johnnie Carson,Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs - Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, Washington, DC 

  • October 12, 2012: Statement by Victoria Nuland, Spokesperson

    This resolution today accomplishes a number of important objectives: it imposes targeted sanctions against AQIM individuals and entities in Mali, supports a negotiation process to seek a sustainable political solution with the North, provides support and assistance from the UN and member states to bolster planning efforts by ECOWAS and the African Union, and expresses the readiness of the Security Council to respond to the request from the Transitional authorities of Mali regarding a potential force to assist the Malian armed forces.  

  • October 4, 2012- Open Letter: Elections One of Four Pillars

    The United States stands united with all Malians in the desire to see the North fully reunited with the rest of the country. Our support for the territorial integrity and secular nature of Mali is without reservation or hesitation. Recent press coverage of our policy as only focused on elections are not accurate and oversimplify a complex response to a complex crisis. We firmly believe that the best and quickest way to accomplish the repise of the North is by pursuing four things simultaneously as part of one united strategy. 

  • Statement by Victoria Nuland: Interim President of Mali Sworn-in

    The United States welcomes the April 12 inauguration of Diouncounda Traore as interim President of Mali to head a transition government tasked with organizing elections. We commend the leadership of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in working to restore civilian rule to Mali and its ongoing efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis in the north. We support these positive steps forward in the political transition process, and we urge all parties to facilitate the swift and complete restoration of civilian rule through free and fair elections.  »

  • Amnesty International: Mali: Urgent action needed to protect civilians

    The Tuareg and Islamist armed groups who have taken the northern cities of Kidal, Gao and Timbuktu must protect the civilian population in areas under their control, Amnesty International said today. In Gao, the organisation received reports of armed men firing into the air and looting public and private buildings, including the hospital. One witness living there told Amnesty International today: “Armed people are entering the houses and looting. They are firing in the air and we are all terrified. We are left with no defence.” A woman was forced to give birth in the street in Gao as the hospital was being looted by armed men. One patient died as medical care was withdrawn. 

  • Statement by Secretary Clinton -

    The United States is deeply concerned about the humanitarian emergency in the Sahel region of Africa. Around 10 million people are in need of emergency assistance due to erratic rainfall, failed harvests, high food prices and conflict across the region that includes Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger. In response to current needs, including protection and assistance for refugees, and to prevent a potentially much more serious situation, I am pleased to announce that the United States is providing an additional $120 million in emergency assistance. With these funds, the U.S. government is providing nearly $200 million this fiscal year in humanitarian assistance to the Sahel region. 

  • ECOWAS Final Communiqué

    At the invitation of H.E. Alassane Dramane OUATTARA, President of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire and current Chairman of ECOWAS, the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAs) held and Extraordinary Session in Abidjan, Repbulic Cote d'Ivoire, on 27 March 2012. The Summit was convened to examine the lates developments in Mali following the overthrow of President Amadou Toumani Toure and the military takeover of governement by the Comité National de Redressemnt pour la Démocratie et la Restauration de l'Etat (CNRDRE) in the early hours of 22 March 2012 Read more »

  • US strongly supports ECOWAS mission on its way to Mali

    The conclusion of that and subsequent consultations that we’ve had with a number of African leaders and on the ground in Mali is that we are going to strongly support the ECOWAS mission that is on its way to Mali in the next couple of days. I think they are meeting first in Cote d’Ivoire on Tuesday, and then there’ll be a mission going in. And the goal of this ECOWAS mission will be to try to restore democratic rule and institutions. This is, of course, a policy goal that we support. 

  • Statement from MCC CEO Daniel W. Yohannes on the situation in Mali

    The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) condemns the violence and military seizure of power in Mali. Mali is an MCC partner country and is scheduled to complete its compact in September 2012. MCC maintains compact partnerships only with countries that demonstrate a clear commitment to good governance, economic freedom and investing in their citizens. The unconstitutional actions taken by elements of the armed forces of Mali are in direct conflict with MCC’s commitment to democratic governance and the rule of law.MCC is halting operations while it assesses developments in the country. 

  • Situation in Mali: Press Statement

    The United States condemns the military seizure of power in Mali. We echo the statements of the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States and other international partners denouncing these actions. We call for calm and the restoration of the civilian government under constitutional rule without delay, so that elections can proceed as scheduled. We stand with the legitimately elected government of President Amadou Toumani Touré. Mali is a leading democracy in West Africa and its institutions must be respected. 

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