United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Bath VA Medical Center

Voluntary Services

Lend a Helping Hand to America's Veterans: Be a Volunteer! VA Voluntary Service

Volunteers provide a wide range of supplemental support and financial assistance to programs for our veteran patients throughout the year. If you want to volunteer, or just want more information on how you or your organization can help our veteran patients, please be in touch!

The Many Ways To Give

Donation Of Time:
One of the most precious and generous gifts is of your time. We have many positions in our facilities that are waiting to be filled by individuals or groups that are willing and able to give of themselves. Contacting the Voluntary Service at your local VAMC will provide you with more information on positions as well as committees that need volunteers. Some examples:
  • Escort
  • Clerical support
  • Friendly visits
  • Recreational aides
  • Advisory committees
Monetary And Material Goods:
Our medical centers could not provide many of the services for our veterans if it were not for the generosity of people in the community; the veterans service organizations, fraternal organizations, and businesses. Donations of cash and materials supplement the operating budget of the facilities and provide for the increasing needs of the veterans we serve. Contacting the Voluntary Service at your local VAMC will provide you with more information on ongoing programs and projects that need your help. Recent examples:
  • Palliative care rooms
  • Lap robes
  • Patient Televisions
VISN 2 Volunteer News
Acrobat PDF     Adobe Acrobat PDF  Winter 2012
     Adobe Acrobat PDF  Fall 2012
     Adobe Acrobat PDF  Summer 2012
     Adobe Acrobat PDF  Spring 2012

Find Volunteer opportunities now Volunteer.gov
Lynn Dinehart (607) 664-4965
Mary Harkin (607) 664-4771
Microsoft Word Bath Donations Lists
Microsoft Word Bath Annual Narrative Report 

For more information on Volunteering please e-mail our facility representatives using the link below:

*** Submitting requests through this e-mail link is not secure. If you wish to send a secure message, please use the VA National Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) link on our Contact Us page linked from the bottom of all pages.