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Southeast Ecological Science Center

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      Gainesville Lab
      7920 NW 71st Street
      Gainesville, FL 32653
      Tel: 352-378-8181
      Fax: 352-378-4956

      Crown Pointe
      2201 NW 40 Terrace
      Gainesville, FL 32605
      Tel: 352-378-8181
      Fax: 352-374-8080
      Admin Fax: 352-373-5763

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Freshwater Fauna

Candy Darter - Etheostoma osburni (photo credit: Noel Burkhead)
Candy Darter - Etheostoma osburni (photo credit: Noel Burkhead)

The Southeast has an astounding diversity of aquatic species, a rapidly growing human population, and increasing threats to aquatic habitats and biological resources. The Center has substantial expertise in the study and conservation of the southeastern aquatic fauna, including freshwater, anadromous, and estuarine fishes, unionid mussels, and the stream habitats where they occur. SESC scientists are recruited regularly by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of Defense, National Park Service, state agencies, and other clients to provide critical information necessary to assess the status of this diversity and support management actions. A growing database on distribution, abundance, and threats to survival is invaluable for successful conservation efforts.

Current Research

dot icon Extinct North American Freshwater Fishes

dot icon Imperiled Freshwater Organisms of North America

dot icon Okaloosa Darter Population Monitoring

dot icon Springflows and the Ecology of Karst Aquatic Communities

    Contact information:
    SESC | Freshwater Fauna
    Gainesville Lab
    7920 NW 71st Street
    Gainesville, FL 32653
    Tel: 352-378-8181
    Fax: 352-378-4956


Micheal S. Allen, Mark W. Rogers, Matthew J. Catalano, Daniel C. Gwinn, and Stephen J. Walsh. 2013. Assessing the Potential for the Angling of Nesting Males to Influence Largemouth Bass Recruitment Should Consider the Quality of Nesting Individuals: Response to Comment by J.J. Parkos III, D.H. Wahl, and D.P. Philipp. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(2):419-421. [Journal Abstract]
Burkhead NM. 2012. Extinction rates in North American freshwater fishes, 1900 to 2010. BioScience 62(9): 798-808.
Ward LW, Blum MJ, Walters DM, Porter BA, Burkhead N, Freeman B. 2012. Discordant introgression in a rapidly expanding hybrid swarm. Evolutionary Applications 2012: 380-392.
Sulak, K. J., J. J. Berg, and M. Randall. 2012. Feeding habitats of the Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Suwannee and Yellow rivers, Florida, as identified by multiple stable isotope analyses. Environmental Biology of Fishes 95(2):237-258.
Burgess, O. T., Pine, W. E. and Walsh, S. J. (2012), Importance of Floodplain Connectivity to Fish Populations in the Apalachicola River, Florida. River Res. Applic.. doi: 10.1002/rra.2567. [Journal Abstract]
dot icon Guidelines for Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Fish Taxonomic Data Collected as Part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program
dot icon Conservation of Southeastern Mussels
dot icon Freshwater Macrofauna of Florida Karst Habitats
dot icon The Gulf Sturgeon in the Suwannee River - Questions and Answers
dot icon Gulf Sturgeon Facts
dot icon Preserving Gulf Sturgeon - A Fish Tale of Gargantuan Proportions
dot icon Quantitative assessment of benthic food resources for juvenile Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi in the Suwannee River estuary, Florida, USA
dot icon Yellow River Sturgeon Research
dot icon The Case of the Red Shiner: What Happens When a Fish Goes Bad?
dot icon Logperches: Masters of the Stone
dot icon Biographies of Southeastern Freshwater Fishes
dot icon Photo Galleries: Fish | Sturgeon | Mussels

Gulf Sturgeon - Suwannee River, Florida

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 07-Feb-2013 11:15:48 EST