

Report Cards

Report Cards (Progress Reports)

The first report cards for kindergarten through 3rd grade are given to parents at Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled in mid-November. Report cards for the second and third quarters are sent home with students the Wednesday after the last day of each quarter. Please sign the report card envelope and return it to your child's teacher. Fourth quarter report cards are sent home with the students the last day of school (no signature/return required). Unsatisfactory student progress is also reported with notices sent home at the mid-point of each marking period.

Marking Code:  Grades K-3

CD - Consistently

P - Progressing

N - Not Yet Evident

X - Not Addressed

This student consistently displays the skills in this area

This student is developing the skill or progressing in the area

This student needs more development growth or time to display this skill

This mark indicates that the area has not been addressed at this time

Marking Codes: Grades 4 - 6

Classroom teachers in grades 4-6 use a web-based report card called Gradespeed. When parents register their children in grades 4-6, they are able to access their student(s) report cards at anytime from anywhere in the world. The report cards are aligned with DoDDS curricular standards.


Student Achievement

A - Excellent
B - Very Good
C - Good
D - Minimal
F - Failing

 Student Performance

E - Exceeds grade-level expectations

M - Meets grade-level expectations

S - Steady progress towards grade-level expectations

L - Limited progress towards grade-level expectation


Honor Roll

Status may be achieved each quarter by students in grades 4-6 who earn all grades of A or B in major subjects (reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies). Students who have all grades of A, and meet all other stated requirements, are awarded Principal's Honor Roll status for the quarter. Honor roll students receive appropriate certificates for their academic achievement.

Reporting to parents on the progress of their children is one of the most demanding duties educators have. The following points should be kept in mind when evaluation your child's report cards:

1. Goals should be realistic. All parents want from their children the best work they can produce. Each child is an individual and will progress at rates which are different from others and may change from time to time.

2. Teachers evaluate each child's progress according to the work produced in relation to the child's ability, knowledge and skills.

3. Each child is encouraged to work to his/her full potential at all times.

Should you have any questions pertaining to your child's report card, please ask for a conference with your child's teacher to discuss the matter.









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Last updated: Monday, February 4, 2013