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Workplace Learning

Workplace Learning

There are many ways to grow and develop in your career. Most of our learning occurs through on-the-job work experiences. The majority of what individuals need to know about a career is learned in the workplace through on-the-job experiences. We also learn by working with others and gaining insight into their knowledge and experience. Formal training is another development option, which can occur in a classroom, workshop, or via remote, e-learning sessions.

On-the-Job Experience is development through identifying and pursuing on-the-job opportunities such as solving problems, special assignments, and other day-to-day activities:

  • On-the-job experiences might be:
    • Trying a new skill, such as making presentations, organizing activities, spearheading a cause or training others
    • Improving a process or procedure that is inefficient or out of date
    • Training others - demonstrating, explaining or presenting
    • Working on challenging tasks by trying to learn before seeking help

Working with Others involves learning from meaningful relationships by gaining feedback, observing role models and networking.

  • Working with others might be:
    • Finding formal or informal role models or mentors at work who are competent at a skill you desire to learn
    • Shadowing a high-performer you admire
    • Informally soliciting feedback from your peers, direct manager and other managers
    • Having one-on-one discussions to work through problems

Formal Training is primarily learning through traditional methods, such as formal courses, e-learning, blended learning or other formalized programs. This typically involves learning concepts first and then applying them to work-related activities.

  • Formal training might be:
    • Attending a training course
    • Applying and participating in a formal leadership program
    • Pursuing a degree or certificate in your area of interest
    • Reading, studying and learning from books, periodicals or online resources

It is important to have an understanding of these learning options as they will help you advance your personal career development.


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