Inclusive Education
Group of special needs students skippingD11.


   Bandaids & Blackboards-Wealth of new material-by children-for children-on inclusion of children with chronic illnesses.
   Circle of Inclusion-An outreach training project designed to address the challenges and issues of inclusive program development for children with severe, multiple disabilities.
   Florida Inclusion Network-The latest happenings in FL public schools, a chat room, links to other sites, and teacher-to-teacher area to submit questions.
   Friends of Inclusion Resource Page-Extensive list of links covering all aspects of inclusion from recommended readings to literacy and school resources.
   Inclusion Checklist-Concise one page handout for teacher, parents, and community members.
   Inclusive Education Web Site-Learn about the Whats and How Tos of Inclusive Education, basic guidelines for teaching in an inclusive classroom, and resources for learning more about the topic.
   Inclusive Education Resources-On-line articles, newsletters, recommended readings, research, web sites, workshops etc. from the The Family Village School.
   Inclusion & Parent Advocacy: A Resource Guide-this comprehensive resource tool describes 265 books, videotapes, pamphlets, and other materials that can help libraries, parents, educators, child care centers, and other service providers plan for and implement inclusion.
   Inclusion Press Home Page-This site includes general information on inclusion, offers books and videos for sale, newsletter, catalogs, workshops, articles, and resources.
   Inclusion and Education Related Resources-This site contains a comprehensive list of organizations to contact about inclusion information.
   Inclusion:School as a Caring Community-Handbook for teachers seeking success with inclusion.  Links to relevant field notes, resources, and a discussion area to "ask an expert".
   Including Students with Disabilities in General Classrooms-ERIC document about attitudes and beliefs, school support, collaboration, instructional methods, and making it work.
   Integrating Students with Severe Disabilities-ERIC Document about benefits of integrating these students into the classroom, facilitating integration, problems to overcome, open door policy, and non-disabled students supporting integration efforts.
   Institute on Community Integration:-a University of Minnesota Affiliated Program, focuses on state-of-the-art information and practices that support the community integration  of individuals with disabilities. This site includes access to information about Institute services, projects, publications, reports, and online resources.
   Kids R Kids-A new site providing helpful resources to enhance the quality of life for children with disabilities while promoting inclusion for all kids.
   National Center to Improve Practices in Special Education (NCIP)-An abundant source for information on inclusion and an extensive selection of information on many other topics in the field.
   Special Needs Education Network (SNE)-This site contains information and resources related to Inclusion and Integration.
   The Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and Limited English Proficient Students-This report is to describe recent efforts to increase the participation of students with disabilities and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in large-scale assessments.  Inclusive assessment systems are receiving increased attention at the federal, state, and local levels,  in recent years.
   TIPS-The TIPS (Teaching Inclusionary Practices) web site is an exciting inclusion education program for special and general educators in DoDDS-Europe.  NEW URL as of February 2009
   Writers Press:-is a publisher of educational literature including children's books on inclusion.
   Utah's Project for Inclusion-Information about state projects, training and support, resource library, conferences, and related links.
Last update 8/10/12

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