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The Program and Technology Support Branch (PTSB)

The Program and Technology Support Branch (PTSB) provides essential OSM/MCR functions including: reviewing and administering Federal grants and cooperative agreements; assisting states in maintaining their regulatory programs and AML plans; processing state program and plan amendments through the Federal rulemaking process; maintaining a regional geospatial system that provides natural resource and mining related geographic information to OSM offices; advocating for the MCR states’ geospatial needs on the National Coal Mine Geospatial Committee; planning and executing technical workshops, forums, websites, and other activities designed to improve the knowledge base of reclamation professionals; leading the National Technology Transfer Team; managing the OSM Applied Science Program; and leading the Regional Technology Transfer Team.

Chief, Program & Technology Support Branch

Leonard (Len) Meier
William L. Beatty Federal Building
501 Belle Street, Room 216
Alton, Illinois 62002
Phone: (618) 463-6463 ext 5109
Fax: (618) 463-6470



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501 Belle Street, Suite 216, Alton, IL 62002
(618) 463-6460 | FAX (618) 463-6470

Last Updated 03/29/2010