Federal Transit Administration - Transit Bus Safety Program

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Below are short hypothetical scenarios to assist the transit industry in recognizing and solving issues related to safety, security, and emergency preparedness. Each case study summarizes related effective practices and provides links to resources that may aid an agency in improving existing procedures, protocols, and training, or implementing new practices.

Bus Fire

This case study walks the reader through the events leading up to a bus fire and the actions taken by the bus driver before, during, and after the fire. The scenario presents information a transit agency can use to better prepare bus drivers to handle such an emergency.

Bus Accident Response

This case study describes the actions of a bus driver immediately before, during, and after an accident in an intersection. It addresses accident handling procedures and also provides practices a transit agency can use to help mitigate bus accidents.

State DOT Orientation

This case study presents a hypothetical day of training for a DOT employee that has been assigned to conduct safety and security reviews of subgrantees. The scenario presents some major elements to include in a transit agency onsite review and their importance.