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Webinar 2/12/13: Utilizing Performance Based Planning

FREE Webinar

Utilizing Performance Based Planning for DOTs and Transits

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2:30 pm EST / 11:30 am PST



In this brief 45-minute virtual presentation, we review performance based planning in transportation – how it can improve the value you get from your shrinking revenue, how can you implement it, and what the results will look like.


Are you prepared to address the increasingly complex prioritization of programs, investments, or projects now that MAP-21 is the law?


Tuesday, Feb 12th, 2013

2:30 PM EST/11:30 AM PST


Register here: http://bit.ly/register_feb12

or email marketing@decisionlens.com


Speakers -


Mark Gordon, Strategic Asset Management – AECOM

Mike Jeffreys, Director, State & Local – Decision Lens