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  • Leading Aerospace Technical Society Recognizes DARPA Deputy Director

    December 21, 2012

    Walker granted distinction of AIAA Fellow

    With more than 35,000 individual members worldwide and nearly 100 corporate members, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is one of the largest technical society’s dedicated to the global aerospace profession. Recently, DARPA Deputy Director, Steven H. Walker was elevated to the level of Fellow within AIAA.

    According to Michael Griffin, former NASA Administrator and AIAA president, “Being named a Fellow of AIAA is among the highest honors that can be bestowed upon an aerospace professional, and represents recognition from colleagues and peers for significant and longstanding contributions to our community.”

    Walker has spent more than 25 years in civil service advancing the state-of-the-art in aerospace technologies including airplane exhaust system fluidics and aero-acoustic modeling and simulation, unsteady aerodynamics and hypersonics.

    “I am proud to receive this recognition from my peers,” said Walker. “Advancements in this industry continue to result from close collaboration between the Department of Defense, industry and academia. I look forward to working closely with the community to push the limits of aerospace science as we continue to develop in new flight capabilities.”

    Walker joins 26 experts from academia, industry and the federal government as a 2013 AIAA Fellow.

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