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Moving-Boat Deployment — Software and Firmware

The goal of this page is to provide USGS users of hydroacoustic equipment with the best information available regarding current software and firmware commonly used for moving boat ADCP measurements. Each software or firmware listed will link to a table that indicates the required versions of software and firmware, along with known issues and improvements associated with subsequent releases. Typically, only upgrades that contain significant computational impact, or add significant new functionality will be announced in OSW technical memos. To provide the user access to the best available options for their situation, software and firmware versions listed here will be labeled in one of five categories; 1) required minimum, 2) recommended, 3) allowed, 4) testing, 5) do not use.

Links to the manufacturer's software and firmware are provided primarily as a service for USGS users. However, in some cases, access has also been provided for other agencies, with the manufacturer's permission. Software without a direct download link should be obtained from the manufacturer.


Manufacturer Support Page

RiverSurveyor Live — Data collection and postprocessing software (Windows XP/Vista and Mobile) for discharge data applications with SonTek M9 and S5 ADCPs.

RiverSurveyor M9/S5 Firmware — Firmware for SonTek/YSI RiverSurveyor M9 and S5

Teledyne RD Instruments

Manufacturer Software and Firmware Page

WinRiver II — Data collection and postprocessing software (Windows) for discharge data applications. WinRiver II provides a measurement centric design, a configuration wizard, and enhanced capabilities for reviewing data. It can be used for data collection and processing with Rio Grandes, Streampros, and RiverRays.

RDITools — Utility software, including BBTalk, BBList, BBMerge, etc.

StreamPro Software — Discharge data collection and processing software for the StreamPro using windows Mobile devices.

RiverRay Firmware — Firmware versions for Teledyne RD Instruments RiverRay ADCP

Rio Grande Firmware — Firmware versions for Teledyne RD Instruments Rio Grande ADCP

StreamPro Firmware — Firmware versions for Teledyne RD Instruments StreamPro ADCP

USGS Software

USGS Software Users Rights Notice

EDI v3.21 **UPDATED 8/31/2012** EDI facilitates easy use of an ADCP discharge measurement for computing the locations and associated depth and water velocity for collecting Equal-discharge-increment method sediment and water-quality samples.UPDATE: Fixed bug with negative lat/lon and ASCII reader. Compiled with Matlab 2012a. Requires Matlab Runtime Libaries version 7.17.

LC v4.04 **UPDATED 7/19/2012** The LC program automates the application of the loop method for correcting discharges measured using bottom track with a moving bed present. UPDATE: Added additional quality assurance checks into the analysis of the loop. Compiled with Matlab 2012a. Requires Matlab Runtime Libaries version 7.17.

SMBA v6.12 **UPDATED 7/20/2012** Stationary Moving-Bed Analysis (SMBA) computes the dot product of the bottom track vector onto the unit water vector and determines the moving bed velocity in the upstream direction relative to the water velocity vector. This program is applicable to all stationary moving bed test but is required to accurately assess a moving bed test made with a Streampro where the Streampro was swimming back and forth at the end of the tether. UPDATE: Ignores RSSI or intenstity in WR2 ASCII output. Minor bug fixes. Compiled with Matlab 2012a. Requires Matlab Runtime Libaries version 7.17.

extrap v3.10 **MAJOR UPDATE 7/19/2012** Tool to assist in selecting an appropriate extrapolation method for ADCP discharge computations. UPDATE: New user interface, discharge sensitivity analysis, automated method selection, support for mmt files, and support for loading multiple files. Compiled with Matlab 2012a. Requires Matlab Runtime Libaries version 7.17.