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Exercise Planning

Exercise Planning

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) helps federal, state and local emergency management personnel plan and prepare for the threat of a national security or public safety disaster.

ORISE incorporates a wide range of security exercises to test disaster preparedness plans, including full-function exercises, drills and tabletops to ready the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other government agencies to effectively respond to emergencies.

ORISE plans and manages the exercise, and then provides an evaluation to help agencies develop an effective and efficient response strategy. We also provide special training exercises that give an accurate assessment of readiness and allow for changes to be made to preparedness plans.

Our exercises are designed to:

  • Highlight organizational strengths
  • Pinpoint organizational weaknesses
  • Test emergency plans and procedures
  • Reinforce teamwork concepts
  • Integrate multiple organizations/agencies and their response resources and capabilities

During post-exercise analysis, ORISE reviews decisions and outcomes and provides an exercise report to key participants that can be used to improve capabilities and address any identified weaknesses.

DOE Exercise Program Support

ORISE serves as the principal planner and coordinator for DOE’s participation in national weapons of mass destruction exercises. Additionally, ORISE manages the 1,000-member Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group (EMI SIG), which was established for the exchange of information, resources and lessons-learned across the DOE complex. Through the EMI SIG, ORISE developed the unique Exercise Builder tool, the standard used by DOE in planning its exercises.

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