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Office of Justice Programs

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  • Link to the OVC TTAC Web site by downloading a logo to your Web site.
  • Print and distribute promotional materials.

OVC TTAC Fact Sheet
OVC TTAC Fact Sheet
Download Fact Sheet (pdf, 562KB)
Victim Assistance Training Online
Victim Assistance Training Online
Download Flier (pdf, 1.9MB)
Download Logo (160 x 57 pixels)
Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training
Identity Theft Victim Assistance Online Training
Download Flier (pdf, 381KB)
Download Logo (130 x 130 pixels)
National Victim Assistance Academy
National Victim Assistance Academy
Download Logo (97 x 75 pixels)

Training by Request Flier
Training by Request Flier
Download Flier (pdf, 513KB)
Directory of Training and Technical Assistance Resources for Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces and Service Providers
Directory of Training and Technical Assistance Resources for Anti-Human Trafficking Task Forces and Service Providers
Download Directory (pdf, 665KB)
Download Logo (382 x 62 pixels)
Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Strategy and Operations e-Guide
Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Strategy and Operations e-Guide
Download Postcard (pdf, 1628KB)
Download Logo (306 x 122 pixels)
Legal Assistance for Crime Victims: An OVC Capacity Building Initiative
Legal Assistance for Crime Victims: An OVC Capacity Building Initiative
Download Flier (pdf, 1.48 MB)
Professional Development Scholarship Program
Professional Development Scholarship Program
Professional Development Scholarship Program
Download Logos (100 x 150 pixels)

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