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Picatinny commanding general visits ammunition plant Picatinny commanding general visits ammunition plant
The Joint Munitions Command hosted the Program Executive Officer for Ammunition, Brig. Gen. John J. McGuiness, during a two-day trip.
 Chili cook-off competitors turn up the heat Chili cook-off competitors turn up the heat
Contestants not only get a chance to show off their chili-cooking prowess, but the event also raises money for the Army Emergency Relief campaign.

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News Releases
 Picatinny says farewell to former commander, welcomes new commanding general

High-ranking officers earn recognition for cost-cutting project

Students learn about technical careers through STEM outreach

Picatinny remembers 9/11

Army-Navy personnel share gun expertise

Seeking product user data, Picatinny manager turns to video game industry

Army Chief of Staff visits Picatinny Arsenal

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