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Register Now for From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance Broadcast!

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Top 25 Contributor
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Leslie LeMaster posted on Wed, Jan 2 2013 1:47 PM

Register now for From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance! This two day interactive satellite/internet broadcast, scheduled for January 16 – 17, 2013 at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET (adjust for your time zone accordingly), features the latest in human learning and performance into practice!

We will use both on-air (during the broadcast) and off-air (after the broadcast) strategies to:

  • Identify the role of the agency leadership, agency supervisor, trainer and learner in preparation for training and the influence that role has on performance.
  • Explore the research regarding the management of content and its impact on learning and performance.
  • Explore the importance of providing learners the opportunity to practice new skills and knowledge and the effect that has on performance.
  • Discover the connections between performance expectations, evaluation and transfer of learning and how they affect the learner

This blended broadcast also features a Post Delivery Webinar scheduled for January 31, 2013 at 9:00am MT / 11:00am ET (adjust your time zone accordingly). Registered sites and individuals will receive information on how to register for this webinar!

Register for From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance now at this link

Leslie LeMaster / NIC Academy Division "We must become the change we want to see." - Mahatma Gandhi

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