MADIS Radiometer Dataset



Microwave radiometers are ground-based observing systems that allow continuous, unattended, remote atmospheric profiling during clear and cloudy conditions. The atmosphere continually radiates microwave energy. By passively observing this energy at selected frequencies, accurate atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and cloud liquid distribution up to 10 km height can be obtained.

The MADIS radiometer dataset consists of data from radiometers operated by different "providers" and integrated into a single dataset. The radiometer stations additionally report surface data (typically, relative humidity, pressure, temperature) which are available in the MADIS Meteorological Surface dataset, under the mesonet provider name "RDMTR".

Geographic Coverage

See the "Current Station Table" link just above for information on the location of the radiometers.

Data Schedule

Each station may report as often as once a minute, although typical operational scenarios will produce data every 5 to 15 minutes. Incoming data are processed once an hour, at minute 6, with the data being available on the ftp server by minute 8. E.g., at 13:08 the data from 12:00-12:59 are available.


Typical daily volume for all MADIS datasets can be seen here.

Variable Details

Related Links

Last updated 10 July 2003.
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