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Arbitration Services and Notice Processing

The office of Arbitration Services and NPU processes requests for Arbitration panels, manages the roster of FMCS Arbitrators and accepts notices of bargaining intent from labor and management.
Arbitration Services
The Arbitration Office provides to requesting parties panels of arbitrators experienced in dealing with labor matters. FMCS Office of Arbitration Services' (OAS) major responsibilities include:
  • Maintaining a roster of arbitrators qualified to hear and decide labor questions in labor-management disputes,
  • Providing the parties involved in collective bargaining agreements with a list of experienced panels of arbitrators, and
  • Appointing arbitrators following their selection by the involved parties.

Federal labor policy promotes the use of voluntary arbitration and collective bargaining to resolve labor-management disputes between employers and represented employees. Two important features of constructive labor-management relations are voluntary arbitration and fact-finding in disputes and disagreements over establishment or modification of contract terms. As an ingredient of collective bargaining agreements, the arbitration system substantially assures labor peace. Today, all collective bargaining agreements, in essence, contain grievance and arbitration provisions.

Phone:  (202) 606-5111;   Fax: (202) 606-3749

Notice Processing
The Notice Processing Unit has responsibility for entry of all notices and certifications received from filing parties, the NLRB and the FLRA. We maintain original documents for a period of seven fiscal years. We can retrieve filed documents from our Archives.

We also receive, process and dispense more than 25,000 notices of contract expirations required by law to the two regions and ten Directors of Mediation Services.

Phone:  (202) 606-5499; Fax:  (202) 606-4253

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