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How Do I Get on the National Registry?

You must work with your State appraiser regulatory program.  Title XI requires the ASC to maintain a National Registry of State certified and licensed appraisers who are eligible to perform appraisals in federally related transactions.  States are required to transmit to the ASC:

  1. an annual roster listing individuals who have received a State certification or license in accordance with Title XI;
  2. reports on the issuance and renewal of licenses and certifications, sanctions, disciplinary actions, revocations and suspensions to the National Registry; and
  3. the Registry fee as set by the ASC from individuals who have received certification or licensing.
States must notify the ASC immediately if it is determined that a credential holder listed on the National Registry does not, or did not, qualify for the credential held.

Roster and Registry fee requirements apply to all individuals who receive State certifications or licenses, originally or by reciprocity, whether or not the individuals are, in fact, performing or planning to perform appraisals is required in federally related transactions. If an appraiser is certified or licensed in more than one State, the appraiser is required to be on each State's roster of certified or licensed appraisers, and a Registry fee is due from each State in which the appraiser is certified or licensed. 

Only active appraisers on the National Registry are eligible to perform appraisals in connection with federally related transactions. Some States may give State certified or licensed appraisers an option of not paying Registry fees. If a State certified or licensed appraiser chooses not to pay the fee, then the credentialing State agency must ensure that any potential user of that appraiser’s services is aware that the appraiser’s certificate or license is limited to performing appraisals in connection with non-federally related transactions.

The State agency must place a conspicuous notice directly on the face of any evidence of the appraiser’s authority to appraise stating, “Not Eligible To Appraise Federally Related Transactions.”