Conservation Priority Report Louisiana

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National Water Quality Initiative

Commissioner Strain and
DEQ Secretary Hatch Join
USDA NRCS to Announce
National Water Quality Initiative
in Louisiana
Louisiana Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Mike Strain, D.V.M., Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Secretary Peggy Hatch, and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Acting State Conservationist Sarah Haymaker announced the launch of a new National Water Quality Initiative committed to improving impaired waterways in Louisiana.

“Louisiana’s farmers and ranchers have always had a deep appreciation and respect for the environment,”said Strain.  “This new initiative will focus sound science resources and financial incentives to address critical water quality issues in four targeted watersheds.”

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will manage the initiative by making funds available to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners in four watersheds: 

Indian Bayou Watershed Lake Louis Watershed East Fork Big Creek Watershed Big Creek Watershed
Acadia, Lafayette, and Vermilion Parishes Catahoula Parish Tangipahoa Parish Tangipahoa Parish

“The waters of Louisiana are the best they have been since the Clean Water Act was enacted more than 40 years ago,” said DEQ Secretary Peggy Hatch. “However, there will always be a need for continued improvements. With programs like the National Water Quality Initiative, we will see those improvements throughout the state.”

For more information on the National Water Quality Initiative in Louisiana, contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service office or Soil and Water Conservation District or visit



United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service



“As part of this partnership effort, NRCS is offering financial and technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners in priority watersheds who are interested in implementing conservation practices to improve water quality,”
said Sarah Haymaker, Acting NRCS State Conservationist.

Using funds from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, NRCS will provide funding and advise to producers to install conservation practices such as cover crop, residue and tillage management, grade stabilization structure, nutrient management, prescribed grazing, and animal waste treatment in watersheds with impairments where the federal investment can make a difference to improve water quality.

NRCS accepts applications for financial assistance on a continuous basis throughout the year; however, there are two application ranking periods this fiscal year for the National Water Quality Initiative. 

To be considered in the first application ranking pool, applications must be received by May 18, 2012.  To be considered in the second ranking application pool, applications must be received by June 15, 2012. 


Commitment to Equality
USDA believes every farmer and rancher should be treated equally and fairly, and we are committed to resolving all cases involving allegations of past discrimination by individuals.

Referral Guide for USDA Settlements and Claims Adjudication Process

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Women and Hispanic Farmers and Ranchers Claims Adjudication Process
If you believe that USDA improperly denied farm loan benefits to you for certain time periods between 1981 and 2000 because you are a female or because you are Hispanic, you may be eligible to apply for compensation.  To request a claims package by telephone, call 1-888-508-4429.  To request a claims package online, please visit

Native American Farmer and Rancher Class Action Settlement (Keepseagle v. Vilsack)
If you are a Native American who was denied a farm loan or loan servicing by the USDA between January 1, 1981, and November 24, 1999, you may be eligible for benefits from a Class Action Settlement.  To request a claims package by telephone, call:  1-888-233-5506.  To request a claims package online, or for more information, please visit:

African American Farmer and Rancher Class Action Settlement (Pigford II)
If you are an African American farmer (a) who submitted a request to file a late claim on or between October 13, 1999, and June 18, 2008, under the 1999 USDA settlement in the earlier class action known as Pigford v. Glickman ("Pigford") and (b) who did not receive a merits determination on your discrimination claim, you may be eligible for benefits from a Class Action Settlement.  To hear information by telephone, call 1-866-950-5547 or 1-866-472-7826.  To find information online, please visit:

USDA . NRCS . Access. Opportunity . Equity . Partnerships

To find out more about this conservation opportunity and more, contact your local USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service:  Office Locator