The Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) was a large international field experiment conducted in 1992-1993 to study the atmospheric and oceanic processes over the region of the western Pacific known as the "warm pool". This is the region of warm ocean and atmospheric clouds and precipitation that is linked to the El Nino climate variation. For further information on TOGA COARE refer to the article by P. J. Webster and R. LuKas in The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (Volume 73, pages 1377-1416, 1992).

The Mesoscale Group at the University of Washington, under Professor Robert Houze, played a major role in this experiment. In particular, they participated in aircraft flights in which radars were used to investigate the precipitating clouds, and they have studied the satellite data of the cloud patterns. This web site contains an extensive atlas showing the flight tracks of the aircraft, the radar echo pattern, and the satellite imagery obtained in TOGA COARE. These summaries serve as a "road map" through the project and thus provide a simple way to help orient any user of TOGA COARE data to the experiment. The atlas is divided into two parts. The Aircraft Summaries show all the flight paths superimposed on the satellite and aircraft images. The Satellite Summary gives a comprehensive summary of the satellite data for the whole period of TOGA COARE in relation to the large-scale wind field. For more information click on the topics below:


Prepared by the Mesoscale Group, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Aircraft summaries

Satellite summaries

Other TOGA COARE data sets

University of Washington, Deptartment of Atmospheric Sciences, Mesoscale Group (