08 Workers Revolt in Berlin

08 Workers Revolt in Berlin

June 1953. East Berliners throw rocks at Soviet tanks during workers' revolt. Photo from the booklet...

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Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012

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07 US Tanks by Night at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin

07 US Tanks by Night at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin

October 1961. US Army tanks position themselves nightly on Friedrichstrasse in response to the presence of...

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Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


06 Friedrichstrasse, Berlin

06 Friedrichstrasse, Berlin

October 25, 1961. American tanks face East Berlin. Photo from the booklet "CIA Analysis of the...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


10 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

10 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

1968. During the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovaks carry their national flag past a burning...

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Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


04 Tank Barrier at Checkpoint Charlie

04 Tank Barrier at Checkpoint Charlie

December 4, 1961. Volkspolizei--the East German police--and East German construction workers erect a tank...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


03 Leaving American Sector of Berlin

03 Leaving American Sector of Berlin

October 1961. The view of the border between the Soviet and American sectors of Berlin from the western...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


02 American Tanks at Checkpoint Charlie

02 American Tanks at Checkpoint Charlie

October 25, 1961. American tanks were brought up to Friedrichstrasse -- the main avenue between East and...

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Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


01 American Military Police

01 American Military Police

October 26, 1961. Armed American military police, summoned by the Checkpoint Charlie observer, escort a US...

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Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012

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05 Aerial View of Checkpoint Charlie

05 Aerial View of Checkpoint Charlie

November 22, 1961. An aerial view of Checkpoint Charlie - Coord UU 907189. Photo from the booklet...

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Uploaded on Oct 22, 2012


West Berliners

West Berliners

October 1961. West Berliners watch as East Germans prepare the “death strip,” a stretch of land along the...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 11, 2012


Christmas Tree in West Berlin

Christmas Tree in West Berlin

Dec. 24, 1961. The holiday season offers stark symbols of a divided city, with a Christmas tree in the...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


Christmas Eve 1961

Christmas Eve 1961

On Christmas Eve 1961, West Berliners wave to loved ones on the eastern side of the Berlin Wall. From the...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


East Germans Sign

East Germans Sign

Dec. 8, 1961. East Germans install a sign urging the West to work for peace and understanding and to...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


Prinzen-Heinrich Heine-Strasse Border Crossing

Prinzen-Heinrich Heine-Strasse Border Crossing

Dec. 5, 1961. A truck squeezes through the expanded barricades at the Prinzen-Heinrich Heine-Strasse...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


Friedrichstrasse Crossing Point

Friedrichstrasse Crossing Point

Dec. 4, 1961. American soldiers watch as construction workers, heavily guarded by East German security...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie

Dec. 4, 1961. Under the eye of East German soldiers and police officers, construction workers install a...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


East German Police Tear Up Train Tracks

East German Police Tear Up Train Tracks

December 1961.The East German police tear up train tracks leading to West Berlin after 25 people escaped...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


West Berliners

West Berliners

Nov. 30, 1961. As the holiday season approaches, West Berliners try to stay in contact with friends in...

Anyone can see this photo United States Government Work United States Government Work

Uploaded on Oct 4, 2012


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