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Troops celebrate 3 Days of Christmas in Tarin Kot
TARIN KOT, Afghanistan — More than 2,500 International Security Force Members from Australia, Singapore, Slovakia and the United States of America united under Combined Team Uruzgan to celebrate Christmas at Multi National Base Tarin Kot, Afghanistan, Dec. 24-26.
PRT Farah reviews successes at Farah City Hospital's Children's Supplemental Feeding Center
FARAH CITY, Afghanistan — Medical and civil affairs team members from Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Farah recently visited the children’s supplemental feeding center at the Farah City hospital to meet with leadership and assess the center’s operations.
Afghan women may shape future
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — Some say Afghanistan’s way forward is through its women. To that end, the coalition forces-led female engagement teams still have their hands full. To compile lessons learned and discuss how to improve the teams’ effectiveness, the first-ever Regional Command-East FET conference was held at Bagram Air Field from Dec. 18-20.
Marine Helicopter company pays tribute to NYC Fire Department
CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan (Dec. 17, 2011) — In an effort to ensure Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron-169 Marines remember why they are deployed, the squadron has adopted one of New York City's most decorated Fire Department ladder companies that was heavily involved during rescue attempts at the World Trade Center, Sept. 11, 2001.
Iraqi Air Force proudly receives 3 C-130J aircraft
MARIETTA, Ga. (Dec. 17, 2012) — The Iraqi Air Force celebrated an important milestone when it received a third C-130J aircraft at a ceremony at Lockheed Martin's factory here, Dec. 12.
Soldiers supporting Afghan girls' education
KABUL, Afghanistan (Dec. 13, 2012) — As part of the ongoing effort to assist Afghanistan's female residents, U.S. Soldiers regularly host bazaars for businesswomen. While this is nothing new, efforts are now expanding to include the building and renovation of schools where girls can receive a quality education.
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