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General Questions:

What is the mailing address for the ODNI?

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Washington , DC 20511

Does ODNI release information to the public?

ODNI frequently releases items of general public interest on this website. The site includes general information about ODNI , unclassified current reports/publications , speeches , congressional testimonies , and press releases. Some ODNI publications are classified, however, and are not publicly available.

Information is also released via the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (statutes which give US citizens access to US government information or US government information about themselves, respectively). ODNI handles numerous cases each year and maintains an online Electronic Reading Room to release this information to the public and to provide guidance for requesting information.

How do I submit a FOIA/Privacy Act request?

The goal of the ODNI's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/Privacy Act office is to keep the public better informed about the ODNI's efforts to ensure US security through the release of as much information as possible. But because of the ODNI's need to comply with the national security laws of the United States, some documents, or portions thereof, cannot be released to the public. Nonetheless, a substantial amount of ODNI information has been or can be released following review.

If you would like to submit a FOIA or Privacy Act request, please mail your request to:

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) Washington , D.C. 20511

Or fax to: 703-275-1299; or e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the status of a current FOIA request, please contact the ODNI FOIA Customer Service Center at 703-275-2210. Additional information on the ODNI FOIA process may be found by visiting the FOIA page on this website.

Whom may I contact if I would like to invite someone to speak to my organization about the ODNI and/or Intelligence Community?

You may contact the ODNI Public Affairs Office at 703-275-3700.

Whom do I contact if I want to report a crime or suspected terrorist activity?

You should contact your local police department and/or FBI Field Office.

Whom should I call if I have a question that is not answered here?

Please check our site navigation on the left to locate the information you seek. If you are unable to find the answer to your question on our website then you may contact the ODNI operator at 703-733-8600 for further assistance.

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