Resources for:

Hiring People on Supervision

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Over 2,000 men and women return from correctional facilities to Washington, DC each year. Many of them have valuable, in-demand skills and qualifications. They are individuals who have made mistakes, but are committed to making a fresh start. Given the opportunity, they hope to be able to prove themselves to their prospective employers.

Employers who hire men and women under supervision are creating opportunities for those individuals and helping the community as a whole. By providing work opportunities, employers help these men and women become productive members of society. The employers are making a vital contribution to crime prevention and community safety. One of the best ways to keep someone from committing more crimes is to help him or her find work.

The CSOSA Vocational Opportunities, Training, Education and Employment (VOTEE) Unit can provide strong employees to Washingon, DC area businesses and organizations. CSOSA can address employers' hiring needs by pre-screening job candidates who meet employers' skill and experience requirements.

Employers who hire men and women on supervision find that the financial and workplace benefits are worth the risk. They may become eligible for Federal tax credits and employee bonding.

Learn more about:

AudioInterview of Tony Lewis, CSOSA Vocational Development Specialist (10/2010) >

AudioInterview with Darryl Hallman, Director of the AYT Institute of Washington, D.C.

AudioInterview with Alec Vincent, Manpower Development Specialist, D.C. Department of Employment Services >

VideoHiring People on Community Supervision
(Video, May 21, 2010)

AudioInterview of Tony Lewis, CSOSA Vocational Development Specialist (01/2010) >

Do you have comments or questions? >


Agency Launches Campaign to Promote Hiring of Ex-Offenders
(Washington Post, June 21, 2010)

Employers: What Will it Take to Get You to Hire Ex-Offenders?
(Out and Employed blog, June 24, 2010)

Washington Post: Agency Launches Campaign to Promote Hiring of Ex-Offenders
(John Howard Association of Illinois blog, June 24, 2010)

Employment After Prison: A Longitudinal Study of Releasees in Three States
(Urban Institute Research Brief, October 2008)


Employment Information

As a Federal agency with a distinctly local mission, CSOSA employees perform challenging work that directly affects public safety in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods.