Resources for:

Planning, Budget and Performance

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CSOSA's Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
CSOSA's Strategic Plan details CSOSA's goals, our strategies to achieve them, and the performance measures we will use to evaluate our progress. This report is updated every five years With the help of staff at all levels of the Agency, community stakeholders and local and federal criminal justice partners.
CSOSA's FY 2011 - FY 2016 Strategic Plan
(PDF, 4.07MB)

Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia Strategic Plan


Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia's 2012-2016 Strategic Plan
(PDF, 1.31MB)



CSOSA's Human Capital Strategic Plan
Human Capital Strategic Plan
CSOSA's Human Capital Strategic Plan constitutes the framework and is evidence of how the Agency's human capital management strategies are aligned with CSOSA's mission to increase public safety, prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and support the fair administration of justice in close collaboration with the community.
CSOSA's Human Capital Strategic Plan, FY 2010 - FY 2013
(PDF, 681KB)

PSA's Human Capital Strategic Plan

The Human Capital Plan for the Pretrial Services Agency strategically aligns human capital resources to ensure achievement of the Agency's mission: to promote pretrial justice and community safety by assisting judicial officers in making appropriate release decisions, and by providing supervision and pro-social interventions to defendants released into the community. This mission requires a uniquely motivated, committed and flexible staff and PSA's Human Capital Plan provides the framework through which the Agency can prepare this talented workforce for meeting tomorrow's challenges.
Pretrial Service Agency for the District of Columbia's Human Capital Strategic Plan, FY 2012 - FY 2016 (PDF, 374 KB)


Budget and Financial

Performance Budget
CSOSA's Performance Budget is submitted to Congress with the President's Budget each year. These documents describe the Agency's programs in the performance plan, the budget estimates for these program activities, and the distribution of the budget by major program.

CSOSA FY 2013 Community Supervision Program Performance Budget

FY 2013 Community Supervision Program Performance Budget (PDF, 615KB)




FY 2013 Pretrial Service Agency Performance Budget


FY 2013 Pretrial Service Agency Performance Budget (PDF, 771KB)



See additional FY 2013 President's Budget documents >

See Prior Years President's Budget documents >

CSOSA FY 2012 Agency Financial Report

Agency Financial Reports
CSOSA's Agency Financial Report describes to the President, Congress, and the public the Agency's programs in the performance plan and financial performance over the course of a fiscal year. The report also describes progress in addressing management issues.
FY 2012 Agency Financial Report
(PDF, 2.08MB)

See Prior Years Agency Financial Reports >


*Note: Downloading the above listed plans and reports requires Adobe Acrobat PDF file format Adobe Acrobat.

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Employment Information

As a Federal agency with a distinctly local mission, CSOSA employees perform challenging work that directly affects public safety in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods.