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国际人类基因组单体型图计划(简称HapMap计划)是由加拿大、中国、日本、尼日利亚、英国和美国共同资助和合作进行的项目,旨在建立一个将帮助研究者发现人类疾病及其对药物反应的相关基因的公众资源。 详见 "国际人类基因组单体型图计划相关资料
HapMap 出版物
HapMap Tutorial
HapMap 计划参加者
HapMap 数据
ENCODE Project
HapMap 计划新闻发布
美国国立人类基因组研究所 HapMap计划主页
  • 2009-04-02: HapMap3 CEL files available

    Raw signal intensity data from HapMap3 genotypes on the Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 are now available for bulk download.

  • 2009-02-09: HapMap3 Phased Haplotypes available

    Phased haplotypes for consensus HapMap3 release 2 data has been phased for autosomes are now available for bulk download.

  • 2009-02-06: HapMap Public Release #27 (merged II+III)

    Genotypes and frequency data for the three phases of the project (I+II: rel #24 and III: release #2), were combined in NCBI build 36 (dbSNP b126) coordinates. Data is available for downloading and also available for browsing. Click here to read the latest release notes.

  • 2009-01-07: HapMap Phase 3 draft 2 release available for download

    Genotypes and frequency data for phase 3 (NCBI build 36, dbSNP b126) of the HapMap are available for bulk download. This dataset will subsequently be merged with phase I+II data, and once merged, the complete dataset will be made available in the HapMap genome browser and HapMart utility. Here are some notes and SNP counts for this dataset.

  • 2008-11-26: HapMap Public Release #26 (merged II+III)

    Genotypes and frequency data for phases I+II (rel #24) and III (draft #1) of the project is available in NCBI build 36 (dbSNP b126) coordinates. Data is now available for downloading and also available for browsing. Click here to read the latest release notes [Update: This release is no longer available for browsing, instead please use the latest merged data release #27.].

  • 2008-11-26: HapMap Public Release #24 on genome browser

    Data for phases I+II of the project is now available for browsing in NCBI build 36 (dbSNP b126) coordinates.

  • 2008-10-12: HapMap Public Release #24 (phase II) available for download

    Genotypes and frequency data for phases 1 and 2 of the project are available in NCBI build 36 (dbSNP b126) coordinates. Numerous allele flips have been corrected and chrX SNPs inadvertently dropped, have been added back into this release. Data is currently available for bulk download. Click here to read this release's notes.

  • 2008-10-03: Visualization of GWA hits

    Genomewide association hits may now be visualized in the context of a karyogram. The current display includes traits with at least one replication and p-values < 1 x 10-15 in the NHGRI Catalog of GWA Studies. Users may upload their own GWA results for graphic visualization.

  • 以往新闻

参加机构   基金机构
Baylor 医学院 (美国)
北京基因组研究所 (中国)
北京师范大学 (中国)
Broad 研究所 (美国)
密西根大学统计遗传学中心 (美国)
国家人类基因组北方研究中心 (中国)
国家人类基因组南方研究中心 (中国)
冷泉港实验室 (美国)
Eubios 伦理学研究所 (日本)
北海道健康大学 (日本)
香港科技大学 (中国)
Howard 大学 (美国)
Illumina 公司 (美国)
  Johns Hopkins 医学院 (美国)
McGill 大学及魁北克基因创新中心 (加拿大)
ParAllele 生物科学公司 (美国)
Perlegen Sciences (美国)
理化研究所 (日本)
香港中文大学 (中国)
香港大学 (中国)
加利福尼亚大学旧金山校区 (美国)
Ibadan 大学 (尼日利亚)
牛津大学 (英国)
牛津大学 / Wellcome 信托基金会人类遗传中心 (英国)
东京大学 (日本)
犹他大学, (美国)
华盛顿大学圣路易斯校区 (美国)
Wellcome 信托基金会桑格中心 (英国)
Delores Dore Eccles 基金会
W.M. Keck 基金会
最新更新 : index.html.zh 554 2009-10-01 19:55:33Z zhahua fc

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