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MadX support added to Synergia

Synergia now reads accelerator lattices in MadX format.

  • Posted by amundson
  • Published: 2013-01-31

ComPASS collaboration awarded SciDAC-3 funding

The ComPASS collaboration received funding under the DOE SciDAC-3 program to develop and apply state-of-the-art techniques in high performance computing and applied mathematics to problems in accelerator modeling and design.

  • Posted by egstern
  • Published: 2012-08-06

GPU-Accelerated Synergia talk

Recent work on utilizing single- and multi-GPU resources for Synergia has resulted in a factor of 20x speedup.

  • Posted by egstern
  • Published: 2012-05-11

Multicore Optimization for Synergia2 talk uploaded

Recent optimization work for Synergia2 on multicore architectures has resulted in an improvement in strong scaling behavior by at least a factor of 8.

  • Posted by amundson
  • Published: 2012-05-11

2010 ComPASS all-hands meeting

Please mark your calendars: the 2010 ComPASS all hands meeting will be in Menlo Park on December 7th and 8th, hosted by SLAC. The focus of the meeting will be on reviewing the current state of code development and application activities, enhancing collaborative work, and preparing for SciDAC3.

  • Posted by spentz
  • Published: 2010-10-29

ComPASS codes help optimize Tevatron running parameters

The ComPASS code BeamBeam3d has been enhanced at Fermilab and used to improve Tevatron running.

  • Posted by egstern
  • Published: 2010-03-09

ComPASS simulations used to improve operational parameters for the Fermilab Tevatron

Fully 3D multi-beam-dynamics-process simulations of the Fermilab Tevatron have been used to support a change of chromaticity at the Tevatron, thus leading to reduced losses.

  • Posted by spentz
  • Published: 2009-08-17

Synergia at the 2009 Leap to Petascale Workshop

Synergia was profiled running on BlueGene/P.

  • Posted by egstern
  • Published: 2009-06-01

Visualization for ComPASS simulation reported in SciDAC Review Magazine

The article "NEXT-GENERATION Visualization Technologies: Enabling Discoveries at EXTREME Scale" in SciDAC Review Magazine, Number 12, Spring 2009, highlights a collaboration between SciDAC Institute IUSV and ComPASS on visualization of accelerator cavity simulation using ParaView.

  • Posted by cho
  • Published: 2009-04-28

ASCR feature article on ComPASS work

The article describes the work carried out by ComPASS researchers at SLAC in understanding wakefields in linear colliders through an INCITE award.

  • Posted by spentz
  • Published: 2009-04-16

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