USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

Crosscutting Topics

Surface-Water Contaminant Transport

Research on the transport and fate of contaminants in surface water

A key objective of the Toxic Substances Hydrology (Toxics) Program is to understand the physical, chemical, and biological processes that control contaminant transport in surface water. Many Toxics Program scientists participate in multidisciplinary investigations of the reactive and non-reactive transport of contaminants in rivers and streams. A part of many of these investigations is to develop simulation models to predict contaminant transport in streams. Environmental professionals can use the results of these investigations to design better restoration plans for rivers and streams impacted by contamination from many different sources. The information presented on this page cuts across lines drawn by individual investigations and projects so that information on contaminant transport surface-water can be presented in one place.

Investigations and Research Activities

Fact Sheets

Water sampling to assess the transport of pesticides in the San Joaquin River, Calif.
Water sampling to assess the transport of pesticides in the San Joaquin River, California
(Click on Image for a Larger Version)



New Publications

A view of Roberts Creek, Iowa, with red (rhodamine WT) dyed water moving down stream.
Dye was used in a study of the transport and degradation of atrazine (a herbicide) in Roberts Creek, Iowa, as part of a study of fate and occurrence of herbicides in the Midwest corn belt. The dye helped scientists determine the transport time of water as it moved through the study reach of the stream. The red color in the stream is rhodamine WT dye
(Click on Image for a Larger Version)

Meetings and Conferences

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