Roundabouts Peer-to-Peer Assistance

As a state, local or tribal road owner considers the use of roundabouts, technical or procedural questions often arise. In order to facilitate timely and critical technical assistance, the FHWA Office of Safety established the Roadway Safety Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Program. Experts in the area of roundabouts volunteer their time to serve as Peers and provide guidance to agencies requesting assistance. This Peer Expert Corps can offer valuable insights and lessons learned from early adoption experiences with roundabouts. Using their extensive knowledge and understanding, Peers can help agencies address the variety of questions and barriers that typically arise when implementing a roundabout.

Photo of the approach to a small roundabout where the center island is at the same level as the roadway and contains low landscaping.
Image by G. Golembiewski (used with permission)

How Can Transportation Agencies Benefit from Peer Assistance?

Peer assistance P2P Program ultimately helps to increase safety at your agency's intersections. The FHWA Peer network provides access to valuable guidance and information as well as input from people who share a similar background as you and have faced the same challenges. The Roundabouts Peer Expert Corps can assist with issues in a variety of topics including:

  • Pedestrians and Accessibility
  • Geometric Design
  • Lighting and Landscaping
  • Work Zones (construction/maintenance)
  • Marketing and Outreach Operational Analysis
  • Bicycles and Transit
  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Selecting/Sizing a Roundabout
  • Gaining Public Support
  • Working with Elected Officials

The goal of the P2P Program is to contribute to an increased number of and better designed roundabouts in the United States, leading to more lives saved and injuries prevented.

Photo of the approach to a large roundabout where the center island within the roundabout is built up and contains shrubbery and several trees.
Image Property of FHWA

What Types of Assistance does the P2P Program Offer?

Peer assistance can be in the form of phone calls, email exchanges, virtual dialogues, presentations, training, peer exchanges, or site visits; all depending on your agency needs; all at no cost to you or your agency!

How to get Peer Assistance

The first step to using the P2P Program is to let us know you need assistance. There are several ways to reach us; you can call, send an email, or apply online. Whichever method you use, the FHWA Safety P2P Coordinator will be ready to assist. The coordinator will determine your specific questions or issues and match you with the best Peer for your case.


P2P Hotline: (866) P2P-FHWA
Roadway Safety Peer-to-Peer Program

The Second Edition of Roundabouts: An Informational Guide is now available!
Please visit for more information.

In 2008, roundabouts were included as one of a select few FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures because of their ability to substantially reduce injury and fatal crashes. They can also provide substantial operational benefits compared to conventional intersections, and thus offer major advantages for transportation agencies and the road users they serve. Properly designed roundabouts reduce intersection traffic speeds and allow vehicles to safely merge and traverse the intersection without the stop-and-go conditions caused by traffic signals and stop signs. The lower speed of vehicles through roundabouts can also contribute to a less intimidating and more pleasant pedestrian and bicycle environment. Because roundabouts eliminate the need for left turns across opposing traffic, the delay associated with waiting for a gap and the serious types of crashes associated with this maneuver are also reduced.

Find more information on FHWA roundabout resources at:

Photo of a warning sign that the driver is approaching a roundabout.
Image Property of FHWA

Contact FHWA for More Information

Jeffrey B. Shaw, P.E., PTOE, PTP
Intersections Program Manager
Office of Safety
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
(708) 283-3524

Publication Number FHWA-SA-11-013

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Program Contact

Jeffrey Shaw


What’s New

South Carolina Case Study: Systematic Intersection Improvements

Roundabout Outreach and Education Toolbox

Stop-Controlled Intersection Safety: Through Route Activated Warning Systems

Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, Second Edition (NCHRP Report 672)

Roundabouts Peer-to-Peer Assistance

How to drive a roundabout (WSDOT)

Modern Roundabouts: A Safer Choice


FHWA's Intersection Resources Library CD-ROM

Roundabouts Technical Summary

Mini-Roundabouts Technical Summary

Access Management in the Vicinity of Intersections Technical Summary

Intersection Safety Case Studies

Intersection Safety Technologies

Presentation: Intersection Safety

Example Intersection Safety Implementation Plan

Intersection Safety Implementation Plan Workshop

Example Data Analysis Package and Straw Man Outline