Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Livermore Valley Open Campus

With the support of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration and Office of Science, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories/California are working collaboratively to create an open, unclassified research and development space called the Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC).

The motivation for the LVOC stems from current and future national security challenges that require increased coupling to the private sector to understand threats and deploy solutions in areas such as high-performance computing, energy and environmental security, cyber security, economic security, and non-proliferation.


Network Security Innovation Center

The Network Security Innovation Center at LLNL works with private partners to counter the constant attack on commercial, infrastructure, and national security networks and protect critical operations.


High-Performance Computing for Energy

The hpc4energy incubator pilot program — whose mission is to advance energy technologies through high-performance computing — will establish a no-cost partnership between a national laboratory and selected energy companies to demonstrate the benefits of incorporating HPC modeling and simulation into technology development.


High-Performance Computing Innovation Center

The mission of the HPC Innovation Center (HPCIC) is to harness the power of supercomputing to sharpen the competitive edge of American companies. The HPCIC offers industrial clients a powerful combination of computing resources and technical expertise from across LLNL and other institutions, organized in an accessible, collaboration-friendly environment.


California Energy Systems for the 21st Century

The proposed California Energy Systems for the 21st Century (CES-21) will utilize some of the most advanced computational capabilities in the world, present at LLNL, to support California utilities, in collaboration with the California Independent System Operator and the State of California, to improve their ability to manage the increasingly complex utility systems. Specifically, the initiative will develop more rigorous and flexible tools to support planning, operation, security, and workforce preparedness.

This initiative is expected to:

  • Create the tools needed by California to achieve aggressive renewable energy and greenhouse gas goals.
  • Apply the country's most sophisticated cyber security technology to the increasingly digitally operated grid.
  • Assist utilities in planning for widespread deployment of electric transportation.
  • Create a well prepared workforce and workforce pool.