Most Common JPAS SAR 'Reject' Reasons

The following list briefly outlines the most common reasons for DoD Security Services (Call) Center rejection/disapproval of JPAS (JCAVS) System Access Requests (SAR). Avoiding these pitfalls will enhance the processing/approval timeline of your SAR submission, if account/access eligibility requirements are met. Please contact the Call Center at 888-282-7682, if you have any questions. Thank you!

  1. Obsolete SAR Form Submitted – Please use the downloadable SAR (DSS Form 273, dated June 2011).
  2. Incomplete SAR Form Submitted – Sections 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 of the SAR form must be completed in full; section 5 (JCAVS) must be completed as applicable.
  3. No (or Incomplete) Letter of Appointment (LOA) Submitted with SAR - Industry Account Manager SARs must be accompanied by a LOA. The LOA must be drafted on company letterhead, name the applicant as the company's Primary Account Manager, and be signed by a Key Management Personnel (KMP) which could be a Corporate Officer, Facility Security Officer, Security Manager, etc. The same KMP must sign both the SAR (as Nominating Official) and the LOA.
  4. Nominating Official is Not Key Management Personnel (KMP) in ISFD - The Nominating Official signature in Section 7 of the SAR must belong to a company KMP listed in the Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD).
  5. User or Additional (i.e., Alternate, Assistant, Non-Primary, etc.) Account Manager Request – IAW JPAS distributed account management processes/policies, these requests (SAR and LOA) must be submitted for action to a designated account manager within your company or agency. The Call Center may assist an Account Manager with account creation troubleshooting, but is not authorized to create the account in lieu of the Account Manager.
  6. Military Personnel Request – These requests should be submitted to the appropriate military organization approving authority. The Call Center is not the designated approval authority for military users.
  7. Applicant Already Possesses an Account – Applicant/user checked a box for an account/access they already possess. Applicants should ensure they do not already possess the requested account/access, before submitting the SAR.
  8. Applicant Not Eligible – At a minimum, an Interim Secret eligibility with an Open NACLC or ANACI is required to possess a JPAS account. Applicants should not submit a SAR until they have at least been granted an Interim Secret eligibility.
  9. Applicant Not SCI Eligible – The applicant requested a Level 2, 3 or 8 account which requires SCI, but is not eligible for SCI or briefed in JPAS at a SCI level. Level 2, 3 or 8 applicants should verify the user level needed by reading the descriptions for the user levels and verifying they have SCI eligibility and access, before submitting the SAR.
  10. CAGE Code Not Listed in ISFD – The CAGE code listed on the SAR could not be found in ISFD. The CAGE code must be listed in ISFD, because the facility must be cleared and the Nominating Official must be verifiable in ISFD as a KMP.
  11. SSN Not Located in JPAS – The social security number (SSN) entered on the SAR was not located/listed in JPAS. This would indicate either the SSN was entered incorrectly on the SAR or the applicant does not meet the minimum JPAS account eligibility/access requirements (does not have a record in JPAS).