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Immigration Statistics

New Releases

Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Resident Nonimmigrant Population in the United States: January 2011 (view summary and full report)

This report provides estimates on the resident nonimmigrant population by category of admission, country of citizenship, state of destination, age and gender.

Immigration Enforcement Actions: 2011 (view summary and full report)

This report presents information on the apprehension, arrest, detention, return and removal of aliens during Fiscal Year 2011.

The Impact of Counting Changes on Nonimmigrant Admissions: An Update (view summary and full report)

This fact sheet provides an indication of the impact by displaying trends in nonimmigrant admissions compared to trends in the number of individuals admitted each year during 2001-2011.


Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (PDF, 120 pages - 4.5 MB)
Cover of the 2011 Yearbook of Immigration StatisticsThe Yearbook is a compendium of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who, during the specified fiscal year, were granted lawful permanent residence, were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis, applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration enforcement actions. Yearbook data tables are released as Excel files as they become available.

2004-2011 Yearbooks of Immigration Statistics

View Prior Yearbooks and Data tables


See Publications

Other Data

See Data and Statistics

Data Standards and Definitions

See Data Standards and Definitions

Contact Us

For additional information about publications released by the Office of Immigration Statistics, write or call:

Office of Immigration Statistics
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
800 K Street NW, Suite 1000
10th Floor, Stop 0545
Washington, DC 20528-0545
(202) 786-9900

To check your application status, please visit USCIS.
To report suspicious activity, please visit Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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