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  3. MOCAS
  4. Automated CAS Collection System


This is a joint project between DFAS Columbus and Department of the Treasury which enables MOCAS contractors to submit refunds on MOCAS contracts paid by one of the MOCAS payment offices at DFAS Columbus:
    • HQ0338 - South Entitlement
    • HQ0337 - North Entitlement
    • HQ0339 - West Entitlement
Over the WorldWideWeb, using an Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit.


ACCS Overview - an information sheet which provides some basic information regarding the ACCS.
(PDF - 05/30/2007 - 22kb)

ACCS User Guide - a step-by-step instruction for DFAS MOCAS contractors to submit payments to DFAS Columbus.
(PDF - 05/30/2007 - 2,196kb)

ACCS Lessons Learned - Frequently asked questions about the Automated CAS Collection System (ACCS).
(PDF - 05/30/2007 - 421kb)

ACCS Submit Back-up Documents - Frequently asked questions about how to submit back-up's.
(PDF - 11/06/2006 - 100kb)


Please send Questions Via email to the following email address: CCO-CAS-EFT-collections@dfas.mil