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For Her

Phone Calls Home

Phone Calls Home

Price: $25.00The sound of a loved one’s voice can truly lift our spirits. You can bring that joy to our troops and their families today.
Bracelet of Honor

Bracelet of Honor

Price: $25.00It’s called 550 Cord (aka parachute cord). And our troops use it to make truly one-of-a-kind bracelets to wear or send home. Help make these bracelets of honor possible.
Cash for Couches

Cash for Couches

Price: $35.00Breaks are rare but well-deserved. Give our troops some furniture to relax in comfort and feel a little more at home.
Special Center Treats

Special Center Treats

Price: $40.00Restock the shelves and cupboards at USO centers around the world to give troops and their families food and drinks.
Long Distance Bedtime Stories

Long Distance Bedtime Stories

Price: $50.00Provide our deployed troops the opportunity to read bedtimes stories to their children and send personalized DVDs back home through our United Through Reading's Military Program.
Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day

Price: $50.00At USO centers, our military families have a place to relax and enjoy their time together. And with this gift, you can give a special day of fun for a military family.
Team Up With Troops

Team Up With Troops

Price: $75.00Sports are a great way for our troops to relax and stay fit. Send all the equipment they need for a game of football, baseball, kickball and more.
Fund February Fun

Fund February Fun

Price: $100.00With February playing host to both the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day, this gift supplies USO centers and FOBs with items for both occasions.
Relaunch a Troops Career

Relaunch a Troop's Career

Price: $250.00With Career Opportunity Days, wounded, ill and injured troops are given guidance to secure jobs as they reintegrate into the private sector.
Send a Military Child to Camp

Send a Military Child to Camp

Price: $500.00Unique camps provide military children from families of the fallen or kids who have recuperating parents with getaways designed to focus on their well-being.
Keep USO Mobile on the Go

Keep USO Mobile on the Go

Price: $500.00Keep USO Mobile rolling with a contribution that allows the wheeled USO supply center on the road, supporting stateside troops at events and military installations.