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The Orbital Debris Quarterly News (ODQN) contains the latest breaking news in orbital debris research.

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NASA Orbital Debris Program Office

The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office, located at the Johnson Space Center, is the lead NASA center for orbital debris research. It is recognized world-wide for its initiative in addressing orbital debris issues. The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office has taken the international lead in conducting measurements of the environment and in developing the technical consensus for adopting mitigation measures to protect users of the orbital environment. Work at the Center continues with developing an improved understanding of the orbital debris environment and measures that can be taken to control debris growth.


 Orbital Debris Research at NASA 

Orbital Debris research is divided into the following broad research efforts:


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Simulated Orbital Debris Graphic

Low Earth Orbit View
Geosynchronous View
Polar View

Debris In Motion




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Web Curator: Mechelle Brown

  National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA)
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Last Updated: 10/02/2012